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CASTLE MALTING NEWS in partnership with Polish
25 October, 2024

Brewing news USA, MD: Silver Branch Brewing reveals new location in Rockville

In September, Silver Branch Brewing, located at 8401 Colesville Rd #150 in Silver Spring, announced it was seeking investment to open a third location in Rockville to increase production capacity and expand distribution. This week, Silver Branch revealed that the new location, Silver Branch Rockville Beerworks, will be at 7301 Calhoun Pl #600, the former home of True Respite Brewing, which closed in September 2023, The MoCo Show reported on October 25.

Per Silver Branch: “Silver Branch has been capacity-limited for over two years. We have needed more space to brew so we can meet the demand of Silver Branch beer in wholesale, and we have needed more space to build a kitchen in Silver Spring so we can meet the demand for private events and a more diverse menu for groups and family dining. Opening Warrenton in 2023 has helped to address some of our capacity constraints, and has grown Silver Branch revenues by nearly over 50%, but at the same time, it has accentuated the need in Silver Spring for a larger kitchen and the need for an efficient brewery.

The new brewery space in Rockville is designed to allow for simultaneous shipping and receiving, brewing, and packaging. Our current too-small space only permits us to undertake one of these activities at a time. The ability of the brewing team to work in parallel rather than sequence will improve efficiency and the additional space will allow for production of at least twice as much beer, permitting us to expand distribution to new geographies and to higher-volume retailers. In particular, this means the ability to open conversations with grocery store chains in Virginia. In terms of our hospitality business, moving our brewing operations to Rockville will expand our tradition of bringing people together over beer and food to the great Rockville-Gaithersburg area, and increase the range of food we offer at all of our locations.

Silver Branch Brewing is bringing Mosaic Pizza to life! Since opening our second location in Warrenton in 2023, our talented chefs have been creating our amazing pizza lineup and our art and marketing team has been preparing the brand assets needed to launch Mosaic Pizza online and in brick and mortar locations. Our pizza receives rave reviews, and the recipes are ready to be exported to the new kitchens we will be building in 2025 as we launch Mosaic Pizza. With the brewing equipment removed from Silver Spring, we will have space to build a full kitchen in Silver Spring to launch Mosaic Pizza. We will also use the vacated space to create a large, bright events space overlooking Colesville Road. In the coming years, we aim for Silver Branch to expand to have between 4 and 6 joint Mosaic Pizza/Silver Branch taproom locations. We also intend to open independent Mosaic Pizza locations that sell Silver Branch beer in smaller stand-alone locations. Our buildings in Warrenton are one of the most visible properties in Old Town Warrenton, especially for traffic coming off of Rt. 29. Before we Silver Branch Warrenton Station, our buildings sat empty for two years with weeds growing in the parking lot. With this equity raise, we plan to launch another round of renovations to continue to beautify the space and to add vibrancy and services to the Old Town Warrenton location. We will open our Mosaic Pizza storefront based on the pizza that Warrenton has come to know and love, and we will rennovate the beautiful 1870s building to restore its charm and integrity. This building will be seating for Mosaic Craft Pizza and will double as an events space, with its historic exposed brick walls and large windows.”

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