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CASTLE MALTING NEWS in partnership with Korean
09 November, 2024

Barley news World: Barley production, trade forecasts down in USDA’s November report

World barley trade is forecast to amount to 26.489 mln tonnes in 2024/25, down from last month’s forecast of 27.184 mln tonnes and from 31.846 mln tonnes forecast for 2023/24, USDA said in their November report.

Export forecast is down for Russia (2.6 mln tonnes vs. 3.4 mln last month) and up for Kazakhstan (1.6 mln vs. 1.5). Import forecast is down for Iran (1 mln tonnes vs. 1.2 mln in USDA’s October report).

2024/25 barley crop forecast is down too, at 141.798 mln tonnes, vs. 142.89 mln last month and 142.596 mln tonnes forecast for 2023/24, with production revised down for the EU (50.75 mln tonnes vs. 50.85 mln), Russia (16.5 mln vs. 17.5 mln), the UK (7.2 vs. 7.3 mln tonnes).

Total barley consumption is seen at 145.963 mln tonnes in 2024/25 (147.313 mln tonnes in the October report, 141.814 mln in 2023/24) and ending stocks at 17.477 mln (17.547 and 21.642 mln tonnes, respectively).

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