麦芽: CHÂTEAU DIASTATIC (糖化麦芽) (2.5-4 EBC)

附有 (*) 的部分为阁下必须填写的资料。

# 产品代号 * 选项 Price per unit
1 MADIASTS25 - 25公斤散装袋, Whole grain
2 MADIASTQS25 - 25公斤散装袋, Milled (min.300kg)
3 MDIASTBB1000 - 1000 kg 大袋, Whole grain
4 MADISTVR - 散装货物, Whole grain

1. You will get a 10% discount on the starting price for a total order of 200 – 775 kg of malt and flakes.
2. You will get a 15% discount on the starting price for a total order of 800 – 2975 kg of malt and flakes.
3. You will get a 20% discount on the starting price for a total order of 3000 – 8000 kg of malt and flakes.
4. Order more than 8000 kg of malts and flakes to get a special quotation.

If your order exceeds 300 kg of malt, your prices can be further optimized:
1. Add 1 kg or more of FERMENTIS YEASTS and you are eligible for an additional 2% discount on all malt prices.
2. Add 10 kg or more of HOPS and you are eligible for an additional 2% discount on all malt prices.
3. Bonus: Include at least one spice, one sugar, and one caps item in your order, along with the 10 kg of hops and 1 kg of yeast and unlock an extra 2% discount on malt!

1. The cost of pallets, and other extra charges are included in the price of malt and will not be invoiced separately.
2. The prices are quoted on an ExWorks basis. The transportation cost will be invoiced separately.
3. VAT is not included in this price quotation.
4. For milled malt, the minimum quantity we mill is 300 kg per type.