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South America: More rain falls across key barley regions as harvest advances
More rain has fallen across all key barley regions of South America, from Chile to Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil, as harvest advances and rolls further southward. The heavy rains received ...
Published 06/12/2024
Argentina: Farmer barley selling remains very low
Farmer barley selling remains very low in Argentina, and the estimation is farmer selling will only break loose once harvest begins and final quality/yields are confirmed, RMI Analytics said in ...
Published 06/12/2024
EU: EU malt exports rebound in past two months
Malt exports from the EU have rebounded the past two months, moving into alignment with the crop22 shipping levels and showing improvement over both crop23 and crop21 levels, RMI Analytics ...
Published 06/12/2024
USA: Beer segment story from the US remains mostly disappointing
The beer segment story from the USA remains mostly disappointing according to the latest US Beer data.
The overall Beer Purchasers Index is down slightly to 50 (from a year ...
Published 06/12/2024
Canada: Barley production forecast remains at 7.8 mln tonnes
RMI Analytics barley production forecast for Canada remains at 7.8 mln tonnes. As well, the US crop remains steady also and combined, North America is comfortable from a total supply ...
Published 06/12/2024
North America: Export prices steady for Canadian malting barley, US demand is declining
Export prices are steady for Canadian malting barley as possible disruptions related to the new Trump administration draw headlines, RMI Analytics said in their early December report.
The US threat ...
Published 06/12/2024
Canada, QC: Quebec government wants to put an end to stamping of microbrewery beers
The Quebec government wants to put an end to the stamping of microbrewery beers. This is a measure that small hop producers have long been calling for, CTV News Montreal ...
Published 06/12/2024
USA, PA: Vault Brewing Companys new location to open in downtown Easton on December 7
Vault Brewing Companys new location in downtown Easton, PA will open its doors on December 7th, Breweries in PA reported.
This new brewpub is located in the heart of downtown Easton ...
Published 06/12/2024
USA, NY: Mountain King Brewing Company opens in Windham
A new brewery opened on the mountaintop. Mountain King Brewing Company opened its first taproom, 5351 Main Street in Windham, on Friday, Nov. 29., NEWS10 ABC reported.
The owner lives in ...
Published 06/12/2024
UK: Guinness supplies being limited after demand soars
The amount of Guinness British pubs can buy in the build up to Christmas has been limited by its maker Diageo after "exceptional demand" over the past three weeks, BBC ...
Published 04/12/2024