Features |
The palest Belgian Caramel malt produced according to a special malting process. |
Characteristics |
Château Cara Clair is a type of Belgian caramel malt. Intensifies the beer’s body and its smoothness, promotes head formation and retention. This malt also called Dextrin malt and is the most common body and foam enhancing natural agent that enhance head retention primarily thanks to their dextrines and other complex proteins. Creates soft biscuit notes in the beer aroma. |
Usage |
Pilsner Lager, alcohol-reduced beer, light beer, Bock beer. Up to 30% of the mix. |
Storage and Shelf life |
Malt should be stored in a clean, cool (< 22 °C), dry (< 35 RH %) and pest free environment. If these conditions are observed, we recommend using all whole kernel products within 24 months from the date of manufacture and all milled products within 3 months. Improperly stored malts can lose freshness and flavor.
Packaging |
Bulk; Bulk in Liner Bag in Container; Bags (25kg, 50kg); Big Bags (400 - 1,400kg). All types of packaging – in 20’ or 40’ containers for export.
All our malts are 100% traceable from barley field through all stages of malting process up to the delivery applying and respecting Regulation EC/178/2002 of the European Council regarding traceability.
All our malts are produced using the traditional process of over 9 days, a solid warranty of high modification of the grain and real top quality of premium malts.
Neither of our malts contains any genetically modified organisms as defined by Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which means that all our malts are GMO FREE guaranteed.
All our malts are manufactured in strict conformity with the internationally accepted requirements HACCP (Hazard Analyses of Critical Control Points) currently in force.
All our malts conform to EU and International regulations regarding the maximum allowable residues of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, as well as traces of mycotoxins.
All our malts are transported only by GMP-certified transporters.
You can see and print the results of the analysis of the malts delivered to you directly on our site www.castlemalting.com |