
Afgrødeår 2021

Parameter Enhed Min Max
Fugtighed %   5.5
Ekstrakt (tør basis) % 81  
Urtfarve EBC(Lov.) 2.5 5.0
Total protein % 10 20
Emmer is an ancient hulled wheat, also called Triticum dicoccum. It was one of the first domesticated grains, and it was commonly grown in antiquity. Recently, its popularity has increased due to the renewed interest in healthier foods and drinks, as Emmer is relatively lower in gluten and richer in minerals compared to modern wheat.
Château Emmer malt is dehusked cereal. It gives a light body, a refreshing character, and aromatic notes of honey to the beer. Its high level of proteins gives the typical turbidity of a wheat beer and enhance head retention.
German-style “Emmerbier”, ancient-styles as Gallic or Egyptian beers, or as an option to wheat as an adjunct. Up to 40% of the grain bill.
Opbevaring & Holdbarhed
Malt should be stored in a clean, cool (<22°C), dry (<35RH%), and pest-free environment. If these conditions are observed, we recommend using all whole kernel products within 24 months from the date of manufacture and all milled products within 3 months. Improperly stored malts can lose freshness and flavor.
Bulk; Bulk in Liner Bag in Container; Bags (25kg, 50kg); Big Bags (400-1 250kg) All types of packaging – in 20’ or 40’ containers for export
100% sikkerhed for, at malten kan spores – fra bygmarken og til malten bliver leveret til dit bryggeri!
Fuldstændigt fravær af nogen form for genmodificerede organismer i alle vores malttyper, som det er defineret i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EF) nr. 1829/2003, hvilket betyder, at alle vores malttyper er garanteret fri for GMO;
Traditionel produktionsproces fra 9 til 10 dage – en solid garanti for en høj modificering af kornet og malt i virkelig topkvalitet!
Er i fuld overenstemmelse med de nuværende internationalt accepterede HACCP-krav (Risikoanalyse af kritiske kontrolpunkter) og de krav der stilles i ISO 22000 Food Satety Manegement system;
Kvalitetsanalyser af byg og færdigmalt udført i vores moderne laboratorium og bekræftet af de største bryggeri-laboratorier i EU;
La Malterie du Château SA (Castle Malting) Malting Plant: Rue de Mons (Bel) 94, 7970 Beloeil, Belgium
Distribution Center: Rue de l'Orbette 1, 7011 Ghlin (Mons), Belgium; Headquarters: Rue de Mons (Bel) 94, 7970 Beloeil, Belgium
Tel.: +32 87 662095;;; Registered Tournai 79754; VAT: BE0455013439
CBC Banque SA - Avenue Albert 1er 60 - 5000 Namur Account : 193-1242112-48 IBAN : BE11 1931 2421 1248 BIC : CREGBEBB