
Afgrødeår 2020

Parameter Enhed Min Max
Fugtighed %   4.5
Ekstrakt (tør basis) % 75.0  
Urtfarve EBC(Lov.) 900 (338.1) 1100 (413.1)
Belgian chocolate malt. Torrefied at 220°C and then quickly cooled when the desired colour is reached.
Château Chocolat malt is a highly roasted malt with a deep brown colour. This is where its name comes from. Château Chocolat malt is used to adjust the colour of beer and imparts a nutty, toasted flavour. Château Chocolat malt shares many of the characteristics of Black Malt but provides a less bitter flavour than Black malt and is lighter than Black, because it is roasted for a slightly shorter period of time and the end temperatures are not so high.
Brown, strong, darker and black beers, such as porters, stouts and brown ales. Up to 7% of the mix.
Opbevaring & Holdbarhed
Malt should be stored in a clean, cool (< 22 °C) and dry (< 35 RH %) area. If these conditions are observed, we recommend to use all whole kernel products within 24 months from the date of manufacture and all milled products within 3 months.
Bulk; Bulk in Liner Bag in Container; Bags (25kg, 50kg); Big Bags (400 - 1,400kg). All types of packaging – in 20’ or 40’ containers for export.
100% sikkerhed for, at malten kan spores – fra bygmarken og til malten bliver leveret til dit bryggeri!
Fuldstændigt fravær af nogen form for genmodificerede organismer i alle vores malttyper, som det er defineret i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EF) nr. 1829/2003, hvilket betyder, at alle vores malttyper er garanteret fri for GMO;
Traditionel produktionsproces fra 9 til 10 dage – en solid garanti for en høj modificering af kornet og malt i virkelig topkvalitet!
Er i fuld overenstemmelse med de nuværende internationalt accepterede HACCP-krav (Risikoanalyse af kritiske kontrolpunkter) og de krav der stilles i ISO 22000 Food Satety Manegement system;
Kvalitetsanalyser af byg og færdigmalt udført i vores moderne laboratorium og bekræftet af de største bryggeri-laboratorier i EU;
La Malterie du Château SA (Castle Malting) Malting Plant: Rue de Mons (Bel) 94, 7970 Beloeil, Belgium
Distribution Center: Rue de l'Orbette 1, 7011 Ghlin (Mons), Belgium; Headquarters: Rue de Mons (Bel) 94, 7970 Beloeil, Belgium
Tel.: +32 87 662095;;; Registered Tournai 79754; VAT: BE0455013439
CBC Banque SA - Avenue Albert 1er 60 - 5000 Namur Account : 193-1242112-48 IBAN : BE11 1931 2421 1248 BIC : CREGBEBB